Church, Frederic Edwin - Aurora Borealis Fine Art Print
An archival premium Quality art Print of Aurora Borealis by Frederic Edwin Church for sale by Brandywine General Store. The artist finished this artwork in the year 1865 with the size of the original being 56 by 83 inches and now hangs in the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington DC. This painting was based on sketched done by Church's pupil Isaac I. Hayes, the Arctic explorer when he witnessed this site. The scene portrays a lone ship in a desolate frozen water landscape with a mountain range behind it. The sky is lit up by the strange sight of the Northern Lights which are glowing red and yellow in the sky. This artwork was created at the end of the American Civil War and it is believed to depict the triumphant victory of the Union over the Confederate States of America. Famous Artists print #183