Yellow Breasted Warbler art print by John James Audubon

Brandywine General Store

SKU: 23 audubon

An archival premium quality Art Print of the Yellow Breasted Warbler by John James Audubon for Birds of America for sale by Brandywine General Store. Mr. Audubon shows a male and female specimens of this species of songbird. He does something a little unusual in this print, he shows the birds in two different trees. The male warbler is setting in a chinquapin tree, while the female yellow breasted warbler is setting in a bitterwood tree, both trees are in full bloom, while the chinquapin also shows some nuts that are ready to leave their husks. This bird painting was completed for Audubon's book The Birds of American, his great ornithology masterpiece, being picture or plate number 23 in the first Havell edition of said book. Sylvia Trichas - Mr. Audubon describes the yellow breasted warbler thus "Their habits are very different from those of the Warblers, and are more in general accordance with those of the Certhiae. They move up and down, sidewise and spirally, along the trunks, branches, and even twigs of the tallest and largest cypresses, or such other trees as are found intermingled with them. They are extremely active, in fact, fully as much so as the little Brown Creeper itself. Like it, they suddenly leave the uppermost branches or higher parts of the trunks, and diving downwards alight on the roots, and renew their search after small insects and larvae. I never saw any of them pursue insects on wing. The nest of this species is prettily constructed. Its outer parts are composed of grey lichens and soft mosses, the interior of silky substances and a few fibres of the Spanish moss. The female lays four pure white eggs, having two or three purple dots near the larger end. I think they raise two broods during their stay in Louisiana, but cannot speak of this as certain. The nest is placed on a horizontal branch of a cypress, twenty, thirty, or even fifty feet above the ground, and is with difficulty discovered from below, as it resembles a knot or a tuft of moss. The song of the Yellow-throated Warbler would please you, kind reader. Of this I have not a doubt, as it is soft and loud, and is continued for two or three minutes at a time, not unlike that of the Painted Finch, or Indigo-bird. As it is heard in all parts of our most dismal cypress swamps, it contributes to soothe the mind of a person whose occupation may lead him to such places. I never saw this species on the ground. The male and the female are nearly alike in plumage, but the young birds, which hunt for insects in company, in the manner of Creepers or Titmice, do not acquire the yellow on the throat, nor the full brilliancy of their plumage, until the first spring...." Audubon Birds art print #23

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