Nantucket Harbor MA the Brant Point Light House Art Print

Brandywine General Store


An art Print of the Brant Point Lighthouse on Nantucket Harbor in Massachusetts for sale by Brandywine General Store. This guiding light was originally a simple wooden structure that was built in 1746, being the first light on Nantucket and only the 2nd one erected in all of the British American colonies. This original structure burnt down in 1757 and replaced with another structure in 1758 which fell prey to a violent gust of wind, which was probably a rare tornado. More structures were built and either destroyed by storms or burnt down. Finally a new permanent lighthouse was built in 1856 out of brick and cement, this new tower was lit for the first time on December 10, 1856. However this structure was not immune from erosion and proved not to be permanent and had to be replaced in 1901 by a 26 foot high wooden tower about 600 feet from the original spot. The light was switched from white to red in 1933 to avoid confusion with the lights in the growing town. The last civilian light keeper left in 1939 when the coast guard took over the operation of the lighthouse. Today, Brant Point has modern equipment including an automated modern optic light. This red light flashes every 4 seconds and is visible for 10 miles. This historic structure was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1987. Picture #34

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