Dianthus Chinensis or China Pink Botanical Art Print

Brandywine General Store

SKU: 83 botanical

An archival premium Quality Botanical art Print of the Dianthus Chinensis or China Pink by Curtis for sale by Brandywine General Store. Curtis illustrates the Chinensis Dianthus or China Pink flower in volume 01 of his Botanical Magazine which was published in 1787, this print was plate or picture number 25. He describes this flower thus " This species, unknown to older botanists, is a native of China, hence its name of China Pink, but in the nurseries it is better known by the name of Indian Pink. Though it can not boast of the agreeable scent of many of its congeners, it surpasses most of the them in the brilliancy and richness of its colors. They are easily obtained from seed so they are found in most collections, both the single and double blooming kinds. It is a little better than an annual as it will sometimes continue for two years in a dry soil." Botanical art print #83


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