Glossy Ibis by John James Audubon art print

Brandywine General Store

SKU: 387 audubon

An archival  premium Quality art Print of the Glossy Ibis by John James Audubon for sale by Brandywine General Store. The artwork features a lone male specimen of this large majestic bird. Audubon found this bird in Florida in front of a Wood Cutter's Cabin which is shown in the background. It is rare for Audubon to show buildings or civilization in any of his bird drawings. It is a beautiful print, with the large showy colorful bird in the foreground standing on a bank beside a marshy river area. In the background is the wood cabin and out buildings with a corral or pen built out of split rail fencing. The glossy ibis was also known as the Black Curlew and this example was plate or picture number 387 in the first Havell edition of the great ornithology book, The Birds of America, this print being published in 1837.

Ibis Falcinellus - Mr Audubon describes the Glossy Ibis thus "The first intimation of the existence of this beautiful species of Ibis within the limits of the United States is due to Mr. GEORGE ORD of Philadelphia, the friend and companion of the celebrated ALEXANDER WILSON. It was described by him in the first volume of the Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. He states that "on the seventh of May of the present year (1817), Mr. THOMAS SAY received from Mr. ORAM, of Great Egg Harbour, a fine specimen of Tantalus, which had been shot there. The Glossy Ibis is of exceedingly rare occurrence in the United States, where it appears only at long and irregular intervals, like a wanderer who has lost his way. It exists in Mexico, however, in vast numbers. In the spring of 1837, I saw flocks of it in Texas; but even there it is merely a summer resident, associating with the White Ibis, along the grassy margins of the rivers and bayous, and apparently going to and returning from its roosting places in the interior of the country. Its flight resembles that of its companion, the White Ibis, and it is probable that it feeds on the same kinds of crustaceous animals, and breeds on low bushes in the same great associations as that species, but we unfortunately had no opportunity of verifying this conjecture. Mr. NUTTALL, in his Ornithology of the United States and Canada, says that "a specimen has occasionally been exposed for sale in the market of Boston." I have given the figure of a male bird in superb plumage, procured in Florida, near a wood-cutter's cabin, a view of which is also given. Audubon bird print #387


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