Ringling Brothers Joan of Arc Circus Poster
An archival art print of Ringling Brothers Joan Of Arc Circus Poster for sale by Brandywine General Store. This colorful lithograph is from the year 1912 and was copyrighted by the Strobridge Litho Co of Cincinnati, Ohio and New York. The front tells us that This show was for the Ringling Bro's tremendous 1200 character spectacle, Joan of Arc. An inspriing, vivid picture of bewildering splendor and patriotic zeal. The Magnificent Coronation and Procession of Charles VII. Joan of Arc was born in France in 1412, her life was unassuming until 1424, when she began having visions. In her visions, Saint Margaret, Saint Catherine and St. Michael all told Joan that she needed to support King Charles VII and help rid France of the English. During the many battles to follow of the Hundred Years War, Joan, a simple, young peasant girl, was instrumental in capturing Orleans and later Rheims, Paris and numerous other towns in an effort to free France from the English. The French of course revered Joan of Arc, but the English declared her a heretic. Joan was eventually captured by the Burundians, who exchanged her to the English for money who in turn sentenced her to death. On May 30, 1431 at the age of 19, Joan of Arc was burned at the stake for her crimes against the English. In 1920 she was canonized, which is an official declaration of Sainthood. King Charles VII of France, called the Victorious, was king of France from 1422 until his death in 1461. Picture #58 an archival premium quality circus poster print.