Pyracantha Bush full of Orange Berries Art Print
A Museum Quality Art Print of a Pyracantha Bush full of Orange Berries for sale by Brandywine General Store. The pyrancantha is a genus of thorny evergreen shrubs in the Rosaceae family and are also known as Firethorn. These plants are native to southeastern Europe and Asia, they resemble and are related to the cottoneaster. The shrubs bloom with white blooms in the spring and the berries, which can either be red, orange or yellow, arrive and mature in the late summer and fall. The berries are more correctly known as pomes. These ornamental shrubs have a thick, thorny structure and make a good thick impenetrable barrier, which makes them substitutes for fences and walls. The berries and thick stalks make this an excellent plant for wildlife and birds. Picture #242 an original botanical print by Brandywine General Store.