Altdorfer, Albrecht - Christ Taking Leave of His Mother art print
An archival premium Quality art Print of Christ Taking Leave of His Mother painted by Albrecht Altdorfer for sale by Brandywine General Store. The Oil on Lime was completed by the artist most likely in 1520. The subject of Christ taking leave of his mother derives from devotional, not biblical sources. It relates to the moment when Christ leaves for Jerusalem and anticipates His coming death. The Virgin is shown prostrate with grief, attended by four holy women: Mary Cleophas, Mary Salome, Mary Jacobi and Mary Magdalene. The Virgin's companions also make an emotional appeal to Christ not to leave. Christ is accompanied by St. Peter and St. John the Evangelist. The minuscule family of donors at the bottom right have not been identified, although it is probable that they commissioned this picture. Religious art print #71 made from an antique painting.