Drayton Hall Plantation on the Ashley River in Charleston SC Print
Brandywine General Store
An art print showing the picturesque Drayton Hall plantation which is located on the Ashley River on the outskirts of Charleston SC for sale by Brandywine General Store. This picture shows the large trees that are common in front of all the plantation manors, however this one is somewhat different in that there is a lake in the front of the home. This plantation is considered one of the finest and the oldest examples of Georgian - Palladian architecture in the United States. Drayton Hall has survived the Revolutionary War, Civil War, the 1886 Earthquake and numerous hurricanes. This is the only pre Revolutionary War plantation house still existing today in its original condition. Seven generations of the Drayton Family lived here starting with the patriarch John Drayton, who began construction in 1738 up to Charles and Frank Drayton, who sold the property to the National Trust for historic preservation in 1974. Picture # 09 a premium quality South Carolina landscape print made from a photograph in the Highsmith Collection.