Hofmann, Charles C - Berk's County Almshouse Folk Art Print
An archival premium Quality art Print of the Berks County Almshouse painted by folk artist Charles C. Hofmann in 1875 for sale by Brandywine General Store.. The scenes and description of this naive artwork is as follows: ln the lower right: 1878-Charles Hofman, Painter.; upper center, on banner: VIRTUE, LIBERTY and INDEPENDENCE!; upper center, just above banner: PENNSYLVANIA; lower center: VIEWS OF THE BUILDINGS and SURROUNDINGS OF THE BERKS COUNTY ALMS HOUSE. 1878.; along bottom of small scenes, clockwise beginning at lower left: Tenant-house No. II.; School-house.; Cemetery; Tenant house No. I.; Western-View of the new Hospital.; Tenant-house No. III.; Kitchen-supplying spring, & Reservoir:; Grain barn. Folk Art print #43