Reeds Creek EUB Methodist in Pendleton County WV
Brandywine General Store
An Art Print of the Reeds Creek EUB Church which was built in the year 1954 and located near the community of Upper Tract WV for sale by Brandywine General Store. The EUB and Methodist Churches merged in 1967 so this is now a Methodist Church and is one of a circuit of five Country Churches that are served by one pastor. This building has beautiful stained glass windows and has recently had a handicap ramp added to the front of the Church with flowers and flowering trees planted between the ramp and Church. The outhouse can be seen to the right of the Church. Reeds Creek, which is fed by a huge spring, runs directly behind the Church, this spring provides water to the large Reeds Creek Government owned fish hatchery which supplies fish to most of Pendleton County rivers and streams. Picture #114 an original premium quality Religious print made from a photograph in the Brandywine collection.