May Apple Bed on South Side of Seneca Rocks Art Print
An Art Print of May Apple Bed on South Side of Seneca Rocks for sale by Brandywine General Store. Our artwork shows a solid bed of may apples with a lone spider to the right of the center. These May Apples are located on the south side of Seneca Rocks in Pendleton County in the Potomac Highlands of West Virginia. Simple though it may be, this print still has a nice and unusual appearance. The May apple is a perennial herb that grows to one to two feet tall and is found in abundance in the woodlands of the higher elevations of WV. The Indians used this herb as a laxative, to cure a person of worms in the intestines and also for snakebites. The Native Americans also used the may apple to cure warts and moles and even sometimes this herb was mixed up to use as an insecticide for their crops. The early settlers and probably the Indians wanted their children to stay away from this plant, as it is poisonous except for the fruits, so the children were told this was the Devil's fruit, hence the nickname of Devil's Apple. The fruits can be eaten in moderation, but the leaves, stalks and roots are all toxic. Picture #123 an original premium quality botanical print made from a photograph in the Brandywine collection.