Fall Leaves and Ancient Carving on Dolly Sods Art Print

Fine Art Prints of Distinction

SKU: 285 original

An Art Print of Fall Leaves and Ancient Carving on Dolly Sods for sale by Brandywine General Store. No, this really isn't an ancient carving, but it does resemble an Egyptian Sphinx that was carved into the mountainside to protect the valley it overlooks. In the valley floor are fall colored trees with many bright shades of reds and oranges with a few green trees sprinkled in for good measure. This scenic landscape was taken in the high elevation plateau of Dolly Sods in West Virginia which is over 4,000 feet in elevation, which makes for spectacular fall colors. Be aware though that the fall colors come here a couple weeks to a month earlier than the lower river valleys. Picture #285 an original premium quality print of a scenic landscape in Dolly Sods WV made from a photograph in the Brandywine collection.

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